Balchik Admires Exotic Cactus in Blossom

Balchik Admires Exotic Cactus in Blossom

Author Standart daily, 22 Aug 2007
Date 22 August 2007

One of the most exotic cactuses in Balchik Botanical garden is covered with blossom in the heat of the tourist season. To the greatest regret, the beauty of Trichocereus will rejoice only a few of the resort's guests because its flowers wither in less than 24 hours, explained Ina Mancheva, the garden's director. She reminded that their collection of cactusses was the second largest in Europe. The plants are moved twice every season: in autumn they are put up in greenhouses and taken back in the garden in spring. The newest part of the Botanical garden has facilities for physically handicapped guests. The rock-garden is ready and this allows the enrichment of the Alpine plants' collection. Some 140 high-mountain species are grown in the Balchik Botanical garden. The experts' ambition is to put on display as many of them as possible.

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